Vincent’s research videos

Doing scientific research is one thing, publishing and communicating the results is also very important. My scientific publications are listed here and we also created many video compilations in the different projects that I am involved in. Below is a more or less complete overview of the research videos (co-)created by me, my students and/or …

Specifications of pneumatic stepper motors and rotary engines

Many pneumatic stepper motors, rotary engines and other pneumatic devices were developed during our research. Several were published in research papers and/or 3-D model websites. This page lists nearly all of them, alongside with the most important properties and a link to the downloadable model (if available). If a motor design is not yet downloadable …

Vincent’s personal homepage

Welcome to my personal homepage! I am Vincent Groenhuis, researcher at Robotics and Mechatronics, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands. E-mail: University of Twente profilePublicationsResearch videosSpecifications of pneumatic (stepper) motorsPrintables designsThingiverse designsMyMiniFactory designsPatented stepper motor designs (password protected)Password request form. Fill it in and you immediately get the password.